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GPS Insulation: Leaner and Greener

At Sto Corp., sustainable construction is ingrained in our company’s DNA. This commitment guides us in our decision-making and product development. Our GPS insulation is the perfect example of our continuous pursuit of greener products, representing the future of insulation. Here’s why.

Insulation Evolved

So, what exactly is GPS? GPS (graphite polystyrene) is a ridge thermal insulation material. The primary difference between GPS and traditional insulation products is that GPS insulating boards are thinner. In fact, they are up to 20% thinner than other rigid insulation boards. That means less material is required to achieve the same results. And the product itself is recyclable, making it more environmentally friendly.

What Makes the Sto GPS Insulation Unique?

It’s all about the graphite. Sto GPS Board is a rigid, graphite-enhanced, 100% closed-cell expanded polystyrene insulation board. We use graphite because it is the most stable form of carbon – safe and chemically inert. Plus, it reduces thermal conductivity and increases the R-value by as much as 25%.

Technically Speaking

So, how does the use of graphite and closed-cell construction impact performance? We’re glad you asked. It provides R4.7 per inch of thermal resistance at 75°F. In other words, our GPS Board enables you to achieve a higher R-value in thinner walls without the use of fluorocarbon blowing agents. Sto GPS Board complies with ASHRAE 90.1-2019 prescriptive continuous insulation requirements.

“Fluorocarbon Blowing Agents?”

It’s how some traditional polyurethane foam insulation panels are made. And some blowing agents are harmful to the environment. Sto GPS (and EPS) do not use blowing agents to achieve their thermal performance. As a result, the R-value is more stable than insulation that uses blowing agents, and they are better for the environment with no off gassing.

How Does a Thinner Board Affect Design?

Achieving a higher R-value in a thinner product gives design professionals new options for exterior wall configurations. Walls can be made thinner with equal thermal resistance, creating a larger interior for a given building footprint. Or wall thickness can remain the same, and thermal resistance can be substantially increased.

Another Sto Difference: Board Size

Sto GPS Board is available in larger sizes than most traditional panels and in various thicknesses. That means you’ll use fewer boards, and the boards are easier to work with. Plus, Sto GPS Board is installed using Sto TurboStick or Sto TurboStick Mini, so there are no mechanical fasteners, which means faster, easier installation and no thermal bridging.

Excels in Extreme Climates

The thermal resistance of the Sto GPS Board gets better as temperatures drop. It is rated at R4.7 per inch at 75°F per ASTM C578; at 40°F, it attains R4.9 per inch. In addition, the closed-cell design is moisture vapor semi-permeable. This allows a board in contact with water to dry out, helping preserve high insulation performance and facilitating moisture egress from wall systems.

Better for the Environment

As a result of the manufacturing method and the slimmer size of the panels, Sto GPS Board has excellent long-term R-value stability. With Sto GPS Board, very little additional material is needed, and the cost difference is negligible. The payoff is reduced building energy consumption, better building operating economics, and reduced emission of greenhouse gases. Did we mention that it’s also recyclable? Sto GPS insulation can be reused to make other products, so it never has to end up in a landfill.

Compatible with Sto’s Advanced Wall Systems

StoGPS Board is an integral part of our perfect wall, but it’s only the beginning. Sto GPS Board can be used as part of StoTherm® ci GPS, StoTherm® ci MVES, StoPowerwall® ci, and StoPanel GPS ci.

Innovation, Inside and Out

We’ve talked about the innovation inside the walls, but what about the cladding and finishes on the outside? Sto GPS insulation works beautifully with StoCast Wood and StoCast Brick, which creates an authentic look while reducing costs, installation time, and the impact on our environment. Don’t forget about Sto’s high performance coatings and finishes, including Stolit Lotusan and StoColor Lotusan. These products mimic the self-cleaning capabilities of the lotus leaf, resisting dirt pick-up while keeping walls clean and attractive. Sto’s Specialty Finishes may also be used with GPS systems. For a complete look at Sto’s finish options, visit our website.

In addition to being compatible with StoTherm ci system, Sto GPS Board is also compatible with StoPowerwall, a premium integrated stucco wall system featuring a superior drainage plane and R5.0 or R10 Sto GPS Board continuous exterior Insulation; StoTherm ci MVES, designed for thin brick, natural stone, ceramic tile, or cultured stone; and StoPanel GPS ci, a lightweight prefabricated wall panel system.

Sto GPS Insulation: Protecting Our Future

Sto GPS insulation is the future of insulation. It not only offers superior, efficient insulation but is also recyclable.  By choosing Sto GPS Boards, you are making a commitment to a greener, more sustainable future. To see a comparison between GPS and other traditional insulation, visit our blog. To learn more about Sto’s Wall systems, visit our system finder page. Or to find the best Sto Wall System for your project, check out the Sto Wall Selector.

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