NEW Sto Fireblocking Solution to Meet 2022 New York City Building Code
StoTherm®ci with Sto Fireblocking
StoTherm®ci is an EIFS with Drainage continuous insulation wall system. It is a high-performance, energy-efficient wall cladding that integrates StoGuard® air and water-resistive barrier, EPS insulation, and drainage, high-performance Sto finishes, Sto Fireblocking, a (patent pending) solution that complies with the 2022 NYC Building Code, in a fully tested wall cladding assembly.
System Bulletin
Accessory Products
*Refer to Product Bulletin for specific information on the proper use, handling, application and limitations of StoSeal STPE Sealant.
System information:
Sheathing Joints and Corners, Flashing and
Rough Opening Protection, Penetrations: Sto Gold Coat with: Sto RapidGuard®